Thursday, September 12, 2013

It's Still Jacobs Field to Us

I usually go to one Indias' game a year.  I do enjoy being at the ballpark, but it's not all that affordable, so I only go when the tickets are free.  I got 2 free tickets from buying gas over the summer from BP, so I invited a good friend to go with me.  We were sitting way up at the top, like may be 8 or 9 rows from the top.  The park isn't all that big, so you could still see very well.

Now, here's the thing about things in Cleveland.  Even though it's been Progressive Field for a couple of years now, everyone in Cleveland still calls it Jacobs' Field, which was its original name when it opened in 1994.  It's not that we're making a statement against Progressive Insurance, mind you.  It's just that we do that with everything.  In fact, old schoolers around here, refer to Macy's as May Company, and those stores haven't been May Company probably for 30 years (and they were Kaufmann's in between), and they referred to Dillard's as Higbees.  Quicken Loans Arena is still call the Gund, and let's face it, that's going to stick because Quicken Loans doesn't roll off of the tongue at all.  I'm sure it's confusing when we give directions to people, because when we tell them to pass Jacob's Field or the Jake, they'll never find it. 

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